Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Other Katniss Mitt

OK, so, I finished the second Katniss Mitts for DD#2 and her BFF.  So now they each have a pair.  These ones were finished just barely in time for them to go see The Hunger Games (again) with their Church Youth Group.  They were happy.  What more could I ask for?
Apologies to the Yarn Snobs that I know and love.  These were made of plain Simply Soft in very average colors.  The girls are not in training to be Yarn Snobs, sorry.  To me, Simply Soft is a pretty perfect yarn for some projects.  It really is very soft.  It's totally washable.  Anyone that thinks that 13 year old girls don't get dirty hasn't met the kids that I know.  It knits up fast and true to gauge, no surprises.  It's affordable enough that if it gets lost, it's not a huge financial blow.  We have had many discussions about respecting the Hand Knits though.  The recipient needs to show enough respect to not just leave Hand Knits lying around to get lost or damaged from negligence.  After trying to knit gifts for people in fancy organic natural fibers, I know that some people will wear the gift more often if they aren't afraid of it.

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